April API

The April API uses the OpenAPI standard. The reference is available on your left-hand menu.


All April API endpoints use the standard Bearer HTTP authentication scheme. For each secure endpoint, you provide your credentials via the following header:

Authorization: Bearer <credentials>

For instance, when using a merchant public key to create a pay plan offer, the request looks like:

POST /payplans/offer
Authorization: Bearer sandbox_pk_ZDZhZjNmOTItYWFh...
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json

  "customerId": "cust_Y89kXqgAbRdjVo48",
  "amount": { "minorCurrencyUnits": 12000, "currency": "AUD" },
  "initialPayment": 3000,
  "payPlanVariant": "payplan_fortnight_25_25_25_25"

The API accepts the following forms of credentials.

Credential Description Example
Merchant public key Publicly exposed key typically used from a browser to make requests on behalf of an unauthenticated customer. sandbox_pk_NmM0NDz01...
Merchant secret key Private key merchants use from their ecommerce backend servers. Typically used to complete payments. sandbox_sk_YzIxNNmUx...
Marketplace API key Private key used by marketplace owners for server-to-server communication on behalf of their sub-merchants. sandbox_api_YjljejsZ...
Customer JWT JSON Web Token representing a customer logged into a web session. eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1pZCI...
Merchant JWT JSON Web Token representing a merchant logged into a web session. eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1pZCI...
Platform JWT JSON Web Token representing a platform owner logged into a web session. eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1pZCI...
April auth token Custom April token used in magic links to authenticate a checkout or dashboard user. eyJkYXRhIjp7ImVtYWls...

API Changes

Occasionally we introduce changes to the API. As a rule, we try to ensure that these are non-breaking in nature, such as adding additional (optional) fields to request objects.

If breaking changes are required, we first attempt to introduce a new API variant and keep a backward compatibility API layer, or we will give generous notification of upcoming changes.

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