Direct API Integration

Businesses not using an e-commerce service can integrate the April API directly into their existing services.


For businesses upgrading from Limepay API, please refer to our Migration guide.

  1. Choosing how to pay

For most custom integrations, if your customers are using cards to make payments, the best way to capture these card details in a PCI-compliant manner is to use the April checkout. For details on this, see Checkout integration.

We also provide an API solution that includes a few alternatives for how to set up a payment. See Payment capture API

  1. Processing the payment

Wire up the necessary API to ensure customer payments can be received and processed.

  1. Error and payment action handling

Configure the integration to handle inevitable complications from human error or card security checks, including 3D-Secure security challenges.

  1. Testing the integration

Test the functionality of the integration.

Further integration options

Once the standard integration has been completed, merchants may wish to consider these features:

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