Know Your Customer (KYC) checks

April uses KYC checks as part of its responsible lending procedures. The low-profile check is actioned when a customer opts to pay in instalments. In the simplest of cases the customer will be unaware the check was even completed, however they will be required to complete a lightweight form the first time they attempt to pay in instalments on any April checkout (including other merchants’ integrations).

Identification stages

There are three types of checks which can be performed: silent checks, simple checks and ID documentation checks. A description of the workflow can be found below and a diagram can be viewed on the technical diagrams documentation page.

Silent checks

When a customer makes a purchase using the instalments payments option, April runs a silent check confirming customer ID against a database in the background. This check is imperceptible to the customer, and customers who have used this option before on any other April integration should only have this silent check run on them.

On success, an allow result is returned. If unsuccessful, the customer is moved to the simple check phase.

Simple checks (identification without documentation)

If April is unable to complete a silent check, for example if this is the very first time they have used the instalments payment option on any April checkout, they will be asked to enter some basic identification details in a simple KYC check. April will prompt the customer for the minimum information required to perform a check, using only:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth

On success, an allow result is returned. If unsuccessful, a number of retries are permitted until the merchant’s configured limit (typically 3) is exceeded. At this point, the customer is moved to the Identification with Documentation phase.

Identification with documentation

Less than 10% of customers will reach this stage, with the majority passing either the silent or simple checks. However, should the simple check fail then April will attempt to identify the prospective customer using:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Driver’s licence number or passport number

On success, an allow result is returned. If unsuccessful, a number of retries are permitted with each document type (licence and passport) until the merchant’s configured limit (typically 3) is exceeded. At this point, the customer is denied the ability to pay in instalments.

Optional API integration

Merchants who have used April's direct API integration can pre-load customer details by using the optional KYC Customer API doc. This enables customer identification before checkout or when using the Payment capture API to further expedite the purchasing process.

Sample Messages

Request without licence or passport

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
  -d '{
    "emailAddress": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+61499999999",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "customerIdentification": {
        "name": {
            "givenName": "Leah",
            "middleName": "TWOPASS",
            "familyName": "Khan"
        "dateOfBirth": "1950-01-17",
        "address": {
            "address": "Apt. 902 741 Georgia Meadow, West Nathan, NSW 7565",
            "addressIdentifier": "sghjdghjdghjdgjdhghjdgh546"
    "isCustomerVerified": true

The optional field addressIdentifier, if provided, must be the Google textual place identifier.



  "customerId": "cust_ZCpoq5eKCT1tg_7Z",
  "payTypeEligibility": {
        "eligibility": "allow",
        "idDocOptions": null,
        "message": null

Require reattempt

  "customerId": "cust_ZCpoq5eKCT1tg_7Z",
    "payTypeEligibility": {
        "payType": "payplan",
        "idDocOptions": null,
        "eligibility": "idwithoutdocument",
        "message": null

Require reattempt with licence or passport

    "payTypeEligibility": {
        "payType": "payplan",
        "idDocOptions": [
                "idDocType": "driverslicence",
                "remainingAttempts": 2
                "idDocType": "passport",
                "remainingAttempts": 3
        "eligibility": "idwithdocument",
        "message": null

What's next?

Visit the testing documentation page to confirm the integration is fully functional.

Return to documentation home.

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