Testing the checkout

Once the April checkout has been fully integrated into your page, it’s important to test its functionality.

April will provide a set of test API keys beginning with sandbox_ to test the integration.

Plugins testing

Merchants using an April plugin integration can simply replace their normal API keys in their plugin settings with the sandbox_ keys and go to their checkout.

Direct integration testing

In the web interface, merchants who have integrated using the direct API integration can continue to load the checkout script from the production URL previously given in Step 2 of the checkout integration page. The checkout widget will communicate with the correct April environment based on the public key you provide.

REST calls made from the backend server will require the host to be updated to api.sandbox.au.meetapril.io. Be sure to use the test API keys.

Below is a guide to filling fields in a test instalments payments plan.

Pre-generated testing inputs

The integration is now ready to be tested. Use the following inputs to test your new April checkout from the customer side.

Test credit card numbers

Use any of the following cards to test you can successfully pay for orders.

Card type Test card number
Visa credit 4242424242424242
Visa debit 4000056655665556
Mastercard credit 5555555555554444
Mastercard debit 5200828282828210
Mastercard prepaid 5105105105105100
American Express 378282246310005

Use the following cards to test error scenarios. When used to pay for an order, the call will fail with HTTP status code 400 and the given error code will be returned. See Handling errors for more details on errors.

Card type Test card number Error code
Visa debit 4000000000009995 insufficient_funds
Visa debit 4000000000009987 lost_card
Visa debit 4000000000009979 stolen_card
Visa debit 4000000000000069 expired_card
Visa debit 4000000000000127 invalid_cvc
Visa debit 4100000000000019 fraudulent

Use the following card to test 3D-Secure support

Card type Test card number Behaviour
Visa debit 4000002500003155 Will trigger 3DS challenge

Set up a test instalments payments plan:

Data field Description
Phone number Any valid phone number
Email Any valid email
Date of Birth Any valid date more than 18 years ago
Identity verification
Given name Any string
Middle name Important: to pass the identity verification (sandbox only), enter TWOPASS in this field.
Family name Any string
Australian residential address Any valid Australian address
Driver's licence Any string
Passport Any string

Testing other processes

After creating a test transaction using the sandbox_ API keys, it’s now possible to test other functions of the April checkout. Access the Merchant dashboard to view your test payments, initiate a refund for a test payment, and test the Virtual Terminal functionality (using the same test card information above).


Remember to replace the sandbox_ API keys with the normal keys after completing testing.


If your direct API integration is not functioning as expected, please review the previous steps in the process:

If you cannot identify the issue or are using a plugin integration, please contact April support.

What's next?

Access and use the Merchant dashboard

Return to documentation home.

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