Capturing payment sources
After registering and signing in April customers, Merchants can integrate the April payment source UI to capture payment sources and process card payments.
Registering and signing in a April customer
These instructions are for consumer (B2C) merchants only. Business to business (B2B) merchants should follow the B2B customer onboarding documentation.
Register a new April customer by calling
Upsert Customer
with the
action to retrieve acustomerId
. -
Sign in a customer by calling
Sign In Customer
with the
action providing thecustomerId
from the previous step. This will provide you with acustomToken
Integrating the April payment source UI
Initialise the April payment source UI with a signed in customer customToken
and register a submitCallbackFunction
to retrieve a cardPaymentSourceId
Load the April checkout script
<script src=""></script>
Initialise and render the April payment source UI
const paymentSourceUI = window.AprilCheckout.createPaymentSource();
publicKey: 'live_pk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // required, merchant public key
customerToken: customToken, // signed in customer token
hideB2BUsageScopeOptions: false, // B2B only, hide "Save card for" options
submitCallbackFunction: (paymentSource) => {
if(paymentSource.cardPaymentSource) {
// retrieve cardPaymentSourceId
const cardPaymentSourceId = paymentSource.cardPaymentSource.cardPaymentSourceId;
errorCallbackFunction: (error) => {
// handle errors
elementId: 'payment-source-container', // required, parent HTML element ID
showSubmit: true, // hide the Submit button
hideSavedCards: false, // hide previously saved cards
primaryColor: '#b29572' // theme primary color (HEX)
If a valid customerToken
is not provided, the payment source UI will create a temporary cardPaymentSourceId
that will expire in 10 minutes.
Optional: submit a payment source programmatically
showSubmit: false // hide the Submit button
paymentSourceUI.submit((paymentSource) => {
if(paymentSource.cardPaymentSource) {
// retrieve cardPaymentSourceId
const cardPaymentSourceId = paymentSource.cardPaymentSource.cardPaymentSourceId;
The paymentSource
type CardPaymentSource = {
cardPaymentSourceId: string;
last4: string;
cardBin: string;
brand: '' | 'American Express' | 'MasterCard' | 'Visa';
funding: 'credit' | 'debit' | 'chargecard' | 'prepaid' | 'deferreddebit' | 'unknown';
expMonth: number;
expYear: number;
country: string;
type PaymentSource = {
cardPaymentSource?: CardPaymentSource;
Merchants can also retrieve a signed in customer paymentSource
from the April checkout paymentData
object, as described here.
Processing payments using a card payment source
Create a new order by calling
Create Order
to retrieve a
. -
Request a card payment by calling
Create Payment Token
action with acardPaymentSourceId
to retrieve apaymentTokenId
. -
Pay for an order by calling
Pay Order
action with anorderId